Tattoo talk - Kyle the Kid

Kyle (the kid) is the tattoo artist, influencer, and spiritual mentor that we all look up to here at the studio in one way or another. He is punctual, works quickly and efficiently, and the portraits he produces weekly are truly world-class. But the path to this point has been long, and as most masters in any field know, it requires both discipline, talent, and hard work. We had a chat with the kid and got an insight into both the tattoo industry and our own inner selves. Brew a cup of tea and take five minutes on the couch with Kyle the kid.

Your nickname is Kyle the Kid. How did you get that nickname?
Well, it's quite a funny story. When I was 16, I started exploring summer job opportunities, and I had never had a job before. One day after school, I was out delivering CVs as usual, but this time I had some of my drawings with me. I took a slightly different route home and came across a place being renovated. There was a lot of artwork inside, and a guy was working there. I went in and asked what was going on, and he told me it was going to be a tattoo studio. Since I had my drawings with me, I showed them to him, handed in my CV, and asked if they needed any help that summer. It turned out they were actually looking for an apprentice, so I was in the right place at the right time. That's how I got the summer job, and that summer, I spent most of my time drawing for the boss there, just to get better and learn more about design.
Gradually, I fell in love with the industry; I just knew it was the perfect job for me. So when school started again, at the very beginning of my second year of high school, I got an ultimatum from the boss saying he couldn't hold the apprenticeship position any longer. If I didn't take it, he would have to give it to someone else. Since that was exactly what I wanted, I went through the process and left school.
He pushed you to the edge?

That’s the way to do it! He basically asked you straight out: Is this what you really want to do with your life?
Yes, exactly that. No pressure, but at the same time, full pressure. He had to find an apprentice somehow. It was a full-time job.
Cool! So both the apprenticeship and the summer job were sorted?
What were the tasks involved, apart from drawing?
Well, it was mostly drawing, but also typical apprentice tasks like cleaning the floor and tidying up.
Karate Kid kind of setup?
Yes, a bit like that, but not so much, actually. My mentor was more focused on the tattooing and development side of things. I really appreciated that. The focus was on the actual tattooing.

And that’s when the nickname Kyle the Kid suddenly made sense?
Yes, the thing was, he took me to a tattoo convention in Amsterdam when I was 17, as his assistant. My job was to help him with whatever he needed, take some photos, and otherwise just enjoy the convention. And it was really the wildest event they had there in Amsterdam. Full strip show and the whole package, and it was pretty insane for a 17-year-old, like, a bit of a "what the heck is this?"
Yeah, you probably wanted to be even more involved in the industry after that trip?
Haha, no, definitely not. I realized this is the life for me, so after that, it was full throttle! I really got into it, yeah.. But yes! There was actually a time when my mentor needed my help down there, but I had disappeared without a trace. So he was running around asking people if they had seen "the kid". Have you seen "the kid", have you seen "the kid"?
Exactly! Kyle the Kid on an adventure in Amsterdam. That’s how it happened! And Amsterdam isn’t the only place you’ve traveled to with tattooing in mind. You’ve traveled around the world to learn about tattoo art from many different artists, right?
Among some of the best in the world!
Exciting! Can you tell us a bit about that journey? Who, what, where?
Absolutely! I can start from the beginning. After the studio in Grimstad, we moved to Sørlandssenteret and stayed there for a couple of years, but then we closed, and suddenly I was without a studio. Instead of taking the traditional route of finding a new studio nearby, I decided to embrace the freedom it gave me. My mom was moving to Canada, and my dad to the Philippines, and with no girlfriend or anything else holding me back in Norway, it felt like the right time to make a move.
So the idea of travel vlogging came up, something I’d always had a passion for, combined with tattooing. The thought that as a tattoo artist, you could travel anywhere and be a guest artist. You can work wherever you want as long as you give notice. At that time, I had built up a pretty solid portfolio and a good following on Instagram, which often opens doors to various studios.
I got my childhood friend, who was studying photography, and another buddy who was studying marketing and management, on board. So we had both a manager and a photographer/cameraman in the crew. The three of us started "Ink the World". The concept was that I would travel the world and visit the best tattoo studios I could find in each country.
So that’s exactly what I did. That summer, I got permission from the center manager at Sørlandssenteret to take over a space for a few months. I used the income from that to start financing the trip, which ended up being a real adventure.
For each country we planned to visit, we’d go straight to Instagram to find the best studios in the country, usually in the capital. Then we’d make a plan and map it out. After that, it was just a matter of booking flights and sorting out the rest.

Very cool! That’s in many ways the definition of following your dream, I’d say. Which studio do you remember best, or where did you have the most memorable experience?
Several stand out, but what’s interesting is that when I first started as a tattoo artist, there were two artists I began following on Instagram: Niki Norberg and Karlee Sabrina. Niki is from Sweden, and Karlee is from Australia. In my eyes, they are the best, and I drew the most inspiration from them. They were the first ones on my travel list for that tour. It was truly amazing to meet them in real life, just a couple of years after I started my career. Suddenly, there I was with the top tattoo artists I had found online.
Was there anything on the trip that you felt improved you, or any particular places that helped shape your style into what it is today? You’re the fastest tattoo artist here at the studio, and I often call you the studio's own Bob Ross. Is that technique something you picked up during the journey?
Absolutely, it’s something I picked up along the way. I’ve always had the mindset that if I see someone else succeeding, they’ve proven that it’s possible. And if they can do it, there’s nothing stopping me from achieving it as well. That was my starting point. At every studio we visited on this trip that had tattoo artists specializing in realism, I would instantly revert to apprentice mode. I could easily sit next to them for hours and just study their techniques. The technique I have today is thanks to absorbing everything I learned and never thinking I was finished learning. There’s always something new to learn, perspectives that do things a bit differently, and always something that can be improved or changed. At the same time, I like to put my own twist on things. I like being efficient and maximizing in all areas.

Do you have a favorite tattoo from the artists you met along the way?
Yes, it’s these three dots here, which are from the world’s oldest tattoo artist, Apo Whang-Od. It was an adventure in itself. We went to the Philippines, and then it was a 12-13 hour drive up into the mountains from the capital. I got tattooed by her niece and also received these dots, which are Whang-Od’s signature. All three of us actually got her signature. I got mine on my arm, the cameraman got his on his forehead, and the manager got his on his spine.
Forehead, huh. That’s bold. How old was she?
At that time, she was 103 years old.

you have an upcoming project where you’ve been given 100% creative freedom to create whatever you want. What are you going to tattoo, and how did you come to decide that this was what you wanted to do?
I was given 100% freedom to create absolutely whatever I wanted. Initially, I suggested doing something related to astrology, as I am a very spiritual person, and this evolved into discussions about manifestation and the law of attraction. It became clear to us that we should create a sleeve inspired by that. All the ideas fell into place because we both understood the concept—the connection between the inner and outer worlds, and how your thoughts shape your life.
Interesting! And this seems to align closely with a new direction you’ve chosen in how you communicate with your followers on social media. Can you tell us a bit about that?
Of course. You could call it a worldview I’ve developed over the years. During this journey, I went through a sort of spiritual awakening and realized there is much more between heaven and earth. I began to delve into spirituality, physics, quantum physics, neurology, and various worldviews. The information has come together like a big puzzle, with the right pieces falling into place over time, and I want to share that message because it’s so empowering. It’s about intellectual and spiritual freedom, encouraging people to think and feel for themselves. Think in a new way! Question your own beliefs and be aware of what you discover.
Very cool! It makes it even more special to have you here at Masterpiece when we understand the depth of thought behind it. So, it’s only fitting to ask if you enjoy being part of this team?
Absolutely! From my perspective, having worked at over 30 studios around the world, Masterpiece compares to the best studios out there, both in terms of the studio’s look and how it is run. The blend of artistry and professionalism works incredibly well here!
Thank you so much, Kyle! It’s inspiring to work with you!
Would you like to be part of Kyle's journey and get a world-class tattoo? [CLICK HERE]