About Masterpiece
Our privilege is to tell your story.

Our vision
Appreciating a painting for its beauty, its form and colors is one thing. But to understand it as a work of art, you need context. We can think of no canvas that has more context than a person with a life lived.
As artists, our privilege is to tell your story and enable you to express your personality by showing, not telling. Our responsibility is to understand what you want to express, and involve you in the process to ensure that the result is true to your identity, and worthy of a lifelong commitment.
Masterpiece is a family of tattoo artists who share this philosophy. Passionate about your story and dedicated to our craft, we're never done improving on perfection.
The best piece we've ever made is always our next – and our name is a reminder of that ambition: Every time we ink our needle, we're working on our next masterpiece.

(+47) 24 02 20 16
Stockfleths gate 51, 0461 Oslo
Monday - friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00