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What Will Be the Biggest Tattoo Trends of 2025?

What Will Be the Biggest Tattoo Trends of 2025?


How will AI, multicultural inspiration, and epic designs shape the tattoo world next year? Our artists have the answers!

Kyle Eikenes har trua på Chrome tatoveringer og miksen av gammelt og nytt i 2025

Kyle Eikenes: "I believe chrome tattoos are going to become increasingly popular. And with the growing use of AI, I think designs that merge different styles will become a reality. For example, blending realism with old-school tattoo styles.

Electric Linda ønsker seg flere Cover-ups for 2025!

Electric Linda: "Ooh, 2025? Are we there already? I think tattoos will become more multicultural, incorporating designs from various cultures everywhere. For example, drawing inspiration from Japanese or Korean styles, and maybe even blending them. And cover-ups, of course! That's a given."

Nick Jakobsen + Mikrorealisme = sant

Nick Jakobsen: "Micro-realism and patchwork tattoos, actually! At least, I hope so, because I want to do more of those."

Turgay har trua på Mikrorealisme og Fine line tatoveringer for 2025

Turgay Yalcin: "Micro-realism tattoos. Script. Fine line! Those will be the trends this year!"

La ulven leve! Kenn skogli.

Kenn Skogli: "I think the biggest trend will be my army of wolf customers coming back to me. WOOF!"

Daglig leder, Daniel Engen, tipper Mikrorealisme blandet med geometri blir den hotteste trenden i 2025
Daniel Engen: "I think micro-realistic flower tattoos will become popular, but also the combination of micro-realism and geometry will truly take hold in 2025. And that's great because micro-realism with geometry is a trend you can still be proud of in 20 years! Plus, you can get a really cool tattoo with meaning if you put enough thought into your design choices. Flowers are simply timeless, and it's especially cool to get them now, considering the level of quality you can achieve in tattoos these days."